
Work Experience

July 29, 2024

Written by:

Fay Burrows

Earlier this month we were delighted to host another work experience opportunity for two students- here’s what they had to say about their time with us.

I’m Rupert. I have just finished year 10 and I am currently studying English, Maths, Physics, Biology, French, Computer Science, 3D Design and Music. I enjoy playing video games, watching tv, playing basketball and going to the gym.

I’m Will, and I am a Year 10 student. At school, I study English, Maths, Biology, Physics, French, Music, 3D design, and Graphic communication. I do not have any clue what my future looks like concerning my career, which I guess is what this experience is for, to introduce students like me into the world of digital marketing.

“I was somewhat intimidated by the idea of working in a real office with real employers. However, as soon as I entered the main room of the office, I knew I was going to have a good time.”

On the first day, we met Jen, the Agency Coordinator who introduced us to the basics, such as what the business does and what tasks the different teams perform. We were then introduced to Rhian (the UX director) who introduced us to the work done in Uplift followed by a few tasks.

We reviewed product pages of current clients discussing strengths and weaknesses. Then using our new knowledge we were set a project to create potential customer personas and a wireframe of ideas and concepts, which we could potentially carry forward. I really enjoyed this task as I was able to put my concepts and ideas into reality.

“One of my favourite things about this place has got to be the working environment that I have found myself immersed in over the past couple of days. I had no idea what it would be like here, but… I am soooo happy I came here. It is such an amazing and inclusive place, with music, couches, a multitude of monitors and TVs!”

I entered the office on the second day with a lot more confidence. We met Kieran, one of the developers, who informed us on the development of adding functionality and “life” to a page.  I then continued with the wire frame of the website, creating a realistic looking UI that I was very proud of.

I found that I took a real interest in the designers and the developers who work hand in hand to produce fabulous results, including company websites. When it comes to designing the actual page, they begin by researching all the information they want on the page before they even begin designing. Then they will create what is called a wireframe which is like a collection of ideas to form a template of what the page will eventually look like. Next, they will then refine it to make it “look” like a proper, functional, and aesthetic page. Finally, the designers will hand it over to the “Devs” where they will add all the fancy bits like making the navigation bar move, or add animations onto the page to make it come alive. Learning about the process that the team goes through to create these fascinating pages has been really intriguing, as I have really never before appreciated the work that companies put into these creations.

Throughout my time here at Clicky, they have worked hard to involve me and introduce me into their daily lives, what they actually do, and how they found themselves in this workspace, and for that I thank them all.

My time at Clicky has been extremely helpful and fun. I love the big, open space of the office, and how relaxed and laid back the team are. My favourite part of this experience was easily creating the wire frame for the website. Watching my own ideas unfold and slowly turn into something that looked like a website was very enjoyable.

Thank you to everyone at Clicky for being so kind and helpful!- Rupert

From my amazing time here at Clicky, I have found out that work does not need to be a serious, stressful place to be. I have been shown that work can, in fact, be performed better when in a more comfortable and inviting space. This experience has been a real eye-opener for me into the world of digital design and marketing. Thank you all for looking after me these last two days. I truly appreciate it, and who knows, I might be back some time in the future, depending on where my career takes me.– Will

Further Reading

News and insights.