7 Psychological UX Design Principles to increase Lead Gen
January 5, 2024

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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding the intricacies of human psychology is a powerful tool.
Ever wondered why some websites feel like a welcoming embrace while others leave you looking for the close button? That is the dynamic duo of psychology and UX design working its magic in tandem.
Imagine your website not just as a virtual storefront but as an interactive journey or a conversation with your visitors. And like any great conversation, the success or failure lies in understanding the nuances of human behaviour, where every scroll, click, and visual cue is a psychological handshake. We want to help you turn your website into a place where visitors “surrender” their contact details with a smile.
And it is this aspect of my role as CRO specialist at Uplift that excites me the most.
Here are just 7 principles we encourage brands to follow to maximise lead gen:
Principle 1: Clarity and Simplicity
Hick’s Law suggests that the time it takes to make a decision increases with the number of choices available.
In my experience, conversion rate can increases by just simplifying the user journey and reducing the number of steps users need to take to convert. Removing any unnecessary distractions and making the customer journey as clear and concise in terms of design, will improve user’s decision-making more quickly, leading to an increase in the desired outcome
Principle 2: Progressive Disclosure
From a conversion funnel perspective, the checkout is one of the crucial parts and hence it is vital to remove any distractions or confusions that could lead to an increase in abandonment.
Using progressive disclosure means presenting information step by step, grouping pieces of information together with strategically placed design elements. We effectively guide the user through the conversion funnel step by step, thereby reducing decision fatigue and reducing cart abandonment.
Principle 3: Users Need Feedback
Following on from “progressive disclosure”, the lead gen process should be as simple and streamlined as possible to increase the likelihood of conversion. When it comes to data capture and form field, feedback is a crucial element. Providing instant validation to each required field a user has skipped or Identify which fields have invalid information and tell the user how to correct their mistakes. If a form field requires a specific input, provide an example of the correct format.
Once a form has been submitted, ensure this is followed up with feedback – there is nothing worse than submitting a form and not knowing if it went through successfully.
Principle 4: Visual Hierarchy
Humans are drawn to anything that stands out visually – the same can be said about your website. We at Uplift understand visual perception and cognitive processing, and how design can influence how visitors perceive information on your website.
We have tools to help us determine what draws the most attention and create gaze sequences. – this helps us guide user’s attention towards important elements like Call-To-Action buttons. Manipulating elements like size and scale, colour and copy alignment or including whitespace on the website and strategically using typography and branding can all in your business’s ability to generate leads.
Principle 5: Personalisation and User Empowerment:
Personalised experiences are more engaging and relevant to users, giving them a sense of control and connection to your product.
Implementing personalised features that allow users to customise their experience through personalised content, recommendations and calls-to-action based on user preferences, behaviours, or demographics. These will lead to a more compelling and effective digital experience that resonates with your users and ultimately drive conversions.
Principle 6: Social Validation (Social proof)
Humans are more likely to take a specific action if they are validated by seeing others doing the same (social proof). This principle effectively tells us, that users are heavily influenced by what others are doing.
Incorporating social proof on your website helps users feel greater comfort purchasing a product or putting their trust into your company. In a way this authenticates you as a business and lets users know you are indeed credible.
Social proofing takes on many forms, for example: Testimonials, (verified) User reviews and statistics on the number of people who have already signed up or purchased a product or service from you.
Principle 7: Power of Free
The concept of “free” is a powerful motivator and deeply ingrained in human behaviour (tapping into the principle of reciprocity). Users are more likely to respond positively when they think or perceive they are getting something of value without any immediate cost to them.
In UX this can be applied as offering free downloadable resources, free trials or even webinars and workshops. By offering something for “free” , it not only provides value but also triggers a psychological response that makes users more likely to reciprocate by providing their information.
Remember your website is not just a digital space but it is your brand’s virtual storefront.
Start the conversation with your visitors through the synergy of UX design that does the talking and the psychology that does the listening.
By integrating above principles into your digital user journey, you will achieve a more effective and persuasive online presence, ultimately improving overall conversion rates.
Sarita Ramakrishnan