
The Perfect Kickoff Meeting for a Website Development Project: A Step-by-Step Guide

May 13, 2024

Written by:

Bobbie de Cecco Griffin

At Uplift, a successful website development project starts long before the first line of code is written. For us, it starts with an all-action, well-executed kickoff meeting, a significant and perhaps the most crucial stage of the entire web project. I know – big statement right? 

Surely the design process or web development stages are more important? Well, that might be fair – however this initial meeting and get-together really sets the direction and tone for the entire project.

It gives all project stakeholders a space to align their visions and goals and ensure the project begins on the right foot. It allows our project team to fully immerse ourselves in your brand, and fully understand the client’s vision for the project.

For me personally as a project manager, the kick off meeting is also a place for me to understand the client beyond the project itself. It’s a chance to learn about their business, their products and services, their key focuses and challenges, and even view their dynamic as a team. It’s where I learn about a client’s ways of working and how – during the project – we can become an extension of their own team. Simply put, we need to get to know one another, and there’s no better opportunity than this first kick-off meeting, where the excitement and energy is at a high, and we can jump right into everything!

So who’s invited? 

It’s important we have the right people in the room, so I look to identify and invite all stakeholders and team members involved – even if they’re not involved until the later stages of the project. 

Everyone’s early involvement at this point ensures a holistic approach to the project direction and ownership can be given to each team member from the kick off! 

We also know just how difficult it can be for somebody on the client’s side to join the project part-way through. They’ve often missed all the initial stages of planning and discussion, and they might not understand why certain design decisions have been made, which can be really challenging. For this reason then, we encourage clients to bring along as many participants as is necessary to this initial kick-off meeting; if there’s a chance you might be involved in the project in some way, we want to meet you and say hi!

Setting the stage – get involved! 

This may sound like an obvious one, but preparation and participation is key to a productive kickoff meeting. The time invested beforehand absolutely pays off during the meeting itself. 

Importantly, all participants need to arrive with an open mind, lots of ideas and an eagerness to share. If that requires pots of coffee, we can provide that too! The most challenging kick-off meetings are those where people might be nervous to talk openly, or contribute to the discussion. This can often happen when people don’t think the website is “their area” – perhaps they might work in sales or customer services rather than marketing or web. However, these types of roles often get a fantastic insight into customer feedback, and can provide great nuggets of insight into how the website is being received or challenge areas. We do everything possible to include these people, and also get them chatting too!

It’s our job at Uplift to sort through the noise of our client’s vision, no matter how unachievable it may seem. We encourage clients in this meeting to overload us with ideas and examples and let us piece it together to bring it to life. The best kick-off meetings are where clients throw all ideas and suggestions out there, and we can work to form that into a coherent plan and strategy for the actual design and build itself. After all, that’s what we’re specialists in!

Meeting agenda and objectives.

Now we have the right people with the right mindset in the room, it’s time to outline what this meeting should achieve. Whilst each meeting is bespoke and tailored to the client and that particular project, there are several consistent aspects that tend to run across most project kick-off meetings:

  • Review of project scope and objectives. To begin with, we look to revisit the project brief and discuss the main objectives of the website. This is a great starting point to remind everyone what was initially discussed and agreed – and what success looks like to everyone in the room. This ensures there’s a shared understanding of what is important to each team, department, or representative for the project, and that the goal isn’t just being set by one team (ie. marketing). This often serves as a great grounding point for the rest of the project – always bringing the discussion back to the ‘why.’ 
  • Discussion of technical requirements – It’s important to detail the technical considerations, such as platform choices, integrations, hosting, and any anticipated challenges with these. This is critical for setting realistic timelines and resource allocation early on. There’s nothing worse than a last minute scramble to sort out the DNS or hosting, and getting these conversations started early doors helps get everything in order long before it’s actually required.
  • Outline of the design and development process – This is a chance to explain how our various teams work. We go through the planned workflow, highlighting key phases such as wireframing, design, development and testing. We also look to clarify what deliverables are expected at each stage and discuss any specific ways of working. For example, maybe a particular sign-off point for the client only works Tuesdays, so we can look to align our presentation dates with their schedule, etc.  
  • Setting the timeline and milestones – With input from all team members, outlining a tentative timeline for the project is key, as this can often be the focal point for weekly catch ups. We look to keep this as a live working document which all stakeholders can take confidence in as being up to date and a “real time” snapshot of where the project is at at any particular moment. This allows all team members to discuss major milestones and check-in points, and also agree on a schedule for updates and meetings.
  • Addressing questions and concerns – Naturally there will be lots of questions throughout the kick off meeting. Therefore it’s important to allow time for any final questions or concerns to be raised at the end of the meeting. This helps in clarifying any uncertainties, settling those anxieties and reinforcing the collaborative nature of the project. It’s also important that anybody can ask any questions about the website project process in general too! For many team members on the client’s side, this may be the first website project they’ve been involved in, and they may have no idea what to expect. No question is wrong, and everybody can always benefit from a refresher on how we work and what the client can expect from the process.

Phew – what next? 

The kick off meeting will conclude by summarising the key points discussed and the decisions that were made. It’s a chance to assign responsibilities for next steps to specific team members, ensuring everyone knows what is expected of them moving forward and to recap any immediate actions. Finally, we will always look to schedule the next check-in or meeting, making sure all dates align with the project timeline and momentum is kept high. 

Checking in.

After the meeting, we will send out follow up notes summarising the discussion and outlining the agreed-upon actions and timeline. This document serves as a reference and helps keep everyone aligned and accountable. The kickoff meeting can also feel very high energy and let’s face it, an information overload! 

So it’s important that the follow up is clear, succinct and acts as a debrief to what was an exciting but intense day for all. 


The kickoff meeting is crucial in building a solid foundation for any website development project. By ensuring everyone’s on the same page from the start, you can avoid miscommunications and set the stage for a smooth and successful collaboration. Remember, the perfect kickoff isn’t just about going through a checklist, it’s about fostering a team atmosphere with a real feeling of ‘we got your back!’. With the right preparation and execution, the kickoff meeting can achieve just that.

Further Reading

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