User Analysis To Optimise Site Performance.

Using key user behaviour analysis tools to gain valuable insights.

The Opportunity

Opportunity For Growth In Site Performance Metrics.

Our Approach

A Data And Design-Led Workflow.

Through a program of user behaviour monitoring, analysis, and specialist UX reviews, we identified a number of key areas for optimisation.

The Key Goals For This Were Identified As:

Improve transaction conversion rate and revenue generated.

Conversion icon

Increase engagement on site and lower bounce rate.

rocket icon

Improve overall user experience.

The Solution

A Constantly Improving Website Structure With A Focus On Conversion And User Experience.

We followed a thorough process of conducting research, analysing data, designing improvements, implementing changes, and reviewing results. This ongoing cycle enabled us to constantly enhance key aspects of the website. Additionally, it provided valuable business insights to the client team, which they can take forward for future growth ideas.

The Results

A Slick Sight That Allows Users To Easily Navigate Their Way Round And Convert With Ease.


Despite a sustained price promotion across key product lines across the year, the improvement in user experience and focus on improving the conversion rate, revenue for 2023 was 81% higher than in 2022.

This was driven in large part by a more than 112% increase in transaction conversion rate.

Core Metrics & Stats.

Measuring Success.

All results were measured through comprehensive GA4 tracking, which not only considered final conversion metrics, but also tracked key user events throughout the journey to allow us to focus our optimisation efforts where they would have the greatest impact.

112% conversion rate increase YoY.

81% revenue increase YoY.

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Further Reading

Discover Our Impact: Success Stories From Brands Like Yours.

We work with a diverse range of brands, contact us today to find out what we can do for you.